Jill Update

The purpose of this weblog was to keep Jill's family and friends current on her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jill passed away on January 20, 2013 after a 10 year battle against the disease and the side effects of her many treatments. This blog will now serve as a memorial to Jill. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts.

Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States

Friday, December 02, 2005

Good progress

Jill is now at 16 days post-transplant and making rapid progress. Her brother's donated stem cells are beginning to graft (regenerate her bone marrow) and so her blood counts are starting to rise. This is on, or slightly ahead of, the typical pace for transplant patients, which is a good sign. If everything continues to go well she will continue her recuperation in Seattle for about 100 days in total.

Jill had trouble adjusting to some of her immune-suppression drugs so the doctors are trying some different ones. Overall she is feeling a little better everyday. She and Sylvia are getting out regularly for walks up to the clinic. They have also started preparing for the holidays--they bought and decorated a two foot Christmas tree.

Scott is in Seattle for the weekend.



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