Jill Update

The purpose of this weblog was to keep Jill's family and friends current on her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jill passed away on January 20, 2013 after a 10 year battle against the disease and the side effects of her many treatments. This blog will now serve as a memorial to Jill. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts.

Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blustery Days

Happy Holidays!! The wind is howling and the snow is blowing. It seems that a good part of the country is in gridlock. And it's even colder in Canada. Hello winter!

It's been a crazy month around here. Through a flurry of house repairs and doctor's appointments we held steady for Thanksgiving and now find ourselves blowing toward Christmas. The furniture is still awry from the house repairs but we got our Christmas tree up this weekend.

Medical appointments began with Mom. She is on crutches for a couple of tears in her knee that she sustained sometime before Thanksgiving. Initially she could barely walk. She is now getting around quite well with the crutches, but she has to be careful to take time to rest her leg and she still gets herself in trouble trying to do too much. This Tuesday she finds out whether she will need to have surgery to repair her knee and ditch the crutches.

I'm scheduled for surgery this week to have my Hickman line (a tube that allows me to run fluids directly into a vein) removed. It seems to be placed in such a way that it doesn't flow correctly. As a result, the half liter of fluids I was running each day began to pool in my face and chest. My face was enormous. It was very becoming. I'm happy to say good bye to the line. A lot of people have them out after three months. I've had one for over five years. I've also been having all sorts of adjustment issues with changes in my medicaitons but they seem to be resolving.

Dad's been busy traveling with work and to help Harley and Amy with the kids. Harley and Amy have also been busy traveling. We were happy they were able to visit for Thanksgiving.

And so it goes on. We're getting into the holidays; pulling out decorations, listening to music, buying different foods and thinking holiday thoughts. It was nice to finally get a little snow. I hope each of you is enjoying the holiday season. Best wishes!


Blogger AK Lockwoods said...

When you said Harly was there for Thanksgiving, all I could picture was the two of you trying to get the cranberry sauce out of the can still intact in its can-shaped mold. I have thought of you every single time I have opened cranberries since 1997. Nad that's a lot of cranberries, especially since 2000 when I met Greg. You've seen him - he's a big eater and he LOVES cranberries, so I have opened many, many cans of them, all the while thinking of you two and trying to come up with my own fool-proof technique. Problem is, they keep changing the design of the cans.... each year I think I've finally figured it out, then I have to start all over again with a whole new type of container. It's frustrating to say the least, but it also makes me thankful for the wonderful memories I have of you. And rock-climbing with you. In your house. Good times! Maaah! Errrr!

Make some merry memories this Christmas, Jill & say hello to the fam. Let us know how your mom is, and certainly how your own surgery went! We all want to know!


5:10 PM  
Blogger AK Lockwoods said...

PS: pardon all those typos... Also, what kind of harmonica would you like for Christmas? I know how you enjoy harmonicas! :)

5:11 PM  
Blogger Maralee said...

Hi Jill!
It is a wonderful gift to see your happy post in December. I am grateful to all the practitioners that have and continue to take care of your treatment.
I am preparing to retire from St. Luke's in Boise in a couple months and have been reminiscing a lot lately. Though many patients have crossed my path, YOU and Sylvia hold a huge place in my heart and memories.
May you all have a wonderful Christmas and God continue to bless you with your smile and spirit.
Sincerely, Maralee

10:11 AM  

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