Jill Update

The purpose of this weblog was to keep Jill's family and friends current on her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jill passed away on January 20, 2013 after a 10 year battle against the disease and the side effects of her many treatments. This blog will now serve as a memorial to Jill. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts.

Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ups and Downs

It has been 3 weeks since my last post. I have been busy traveling recently and haven't had time to get to it.

For the last couple of weeks Jill has been fighting off a cold. Given her limited immunity to infections even a common cold can be a drawn out struggle. She has had persistent lower respiratory congestion for most of this time which raises concerns about the possibility of her developing pneumonia. The cold keeps her tired and limits her activity but so far is has not worsened. The medical team has completed a series of tests and are working on a plan to fight the infection.

On the brighter side, last Friday (June 20) was the date of a Benefit dance in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I arranged my annual trip to Saskatchewan to coincide with the event. The Johnson Family Band (Jill's Grandparents Bill and Thelma Johnson, Uncles Howie and Ron Johnson and Aunt Brenda Johnson) came out of retirement for the occassion. Former Saskatchewan Premier, Lorne Calvert also attended and jammed with the band. Jill's Cousins organized a wide variety of fund raising activities for the evening. About 180 people turned out on a beautiful evening to dance, visit and have fun. All the proceeds went to the Jill Korn Benefit Fund (see the link to the left for more informatioin).

Jill continues to taper off of some of the immuno-suppressive and other drugs she has been taking since the transplant. As she regains her immunity the threat of infection declines. Hopefully by the next post she will have fought off the cold and be regaining her strength.



Friday, June 06, 2008

Getting Stronger

Over the last couple of weeks Jill has steadily increased her physical activity. She is excercising at home and taking physiotherapy as well. It is hard work but her strength is gradually returning. As she regains her strength she plans to get back into many of the local activities in Boise and Nampa that she was involved in before the transplant. She is also looking forward to catching up with all her friends in the area although this will take time. Jill looks forward to hearing from you.
