Jill Update

The purpose of this weblog was to keep Jill's family and friends current on her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jill passed away on January 20, 2013 after a 10 year battle against the disease and the side effects of her many treatments. This blog will now serve as a memorial to Jill. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts.

Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jill Gets Great News

Last week, Jill got a report back on her last set of tests. The news was very encouraging. There is still no sign of cancer and her lungs look good. She had had a bronchoscopy to check out what appeared to be an infection of some kind in her lungs but the scope showed no signs of any problems.

Jill is feeling better than she has for a long time. The Graft-Versus-Host Disease is under control so she is eating well and feeling quite good. She is in physical therapy and is walking regularly for exercise. She still needs regular transfusions but the interval between transfusions seems to be lengthening a bit.
