Jill Update

The purpose of this weblog was to keep Jill's family and friends current on her treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jill passed away on January 20, 2013 after a 10 year battle against the disease and the side effects of her many treatments. This blog will now serve as a memorial to Jill. Please feel free to add your comments and thoughts.

Location: Columbia, Missouri, United States

Friday, September 24, 2010

A little of this, a little of that...

I don't have much new to report since the beginning of August. I turned 35 and made it to the seventh anniversary of my diagnosis. Yay. I went to Seattle two weeks ago and found out that some things are better and somethings are not as good. My cholesterol has gone down but so has my pulmonary function (a little). My strength has increased but so has the GVHD in my mouth. I'm getting off a couple of medications but I'm starting on a few more. So it goes, two steps forward, one step back. But overall I'm doing well and I enjoyed my time there. I love Seattle and I love seeing my good friend who lives near the city. Thanks Heather, for coming to see me once again.

Lately the weather has been dealing cooler days in with the mix. I'm enjoying these days and happy fall has come. Canadian Thanksgiving is around the corner and I find myself thinking of things for which I am thankful. I am most thankful for my friends and family and all the support you all give me. I am also thankful for my pets, a roof over my head, food to eat, my body's ability to keep healing, seven years of life since my diagnosis, bright colors, cool breezes, soft places to sit, time to sleep, comfortable shoes and the sounds of nature. Of course there are a million more, but you don't want to read them all.

I wish everyone a beautiful fall of changing colors, crunching leaves and fresh air. Thanks for checking in.