Something a little different.
I will use quotes. I like quotes because other people seem to be able to say really good things without using too many words. This quote I swiped from the bottom of someone's email. I can't remember whose, but I think it's someone involved with Team in Training. Anyway, here it is:
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." --Albert Einstein
I think this makes sense as we move through the holiday season regardless of what, how, and who we celebrate. I don't have much to add. I know people who fall into each category when it comes to miracles; I think this is a really good time to examine each option and make sure that I remember to consider life accordingly every day. I encourage you to do the same.
Happy holidays! (I think it is a miracle that people still follow this blog.) Love from Jill